The De-Risk System for Impact® is a set of consulting services that provide practical tools and support based on proven principles to help organizations get results faster.
They were designed to help leaders:
· Uncover the hidden risks and opportunities of a strategy or initiative
· Develop a game plan to align and manage those risks
· More confidently lead others to take action and accomplish results.
de-risk (action verb): An intentional approach to identify and optimize risk in order to achieve a desired outcome or value, and enable you to lead with confidence
Today, organizations focused on achieving an important mission to improve the world -- whether they are a for-profit company or a non-profit -- are dealing with a myriad of dynamics that impact their operations, market position and funding. They must quickly come up with new strategies to adapt.
But even great strategies will FAIL if people are confused, skeptical or not aligned. The business impact can be delays and wasted costs. The human consequence can be significant stress and frustration for the leaders who are accountable for delivering results, as well as for those implementing or funding the effort.
The De-Risk System for Impact® consulting services help you and your team step back and systematically evaluate your new direction so that you can execute more effectively, lead more confidently to make a difference today and into the future.
The De-Risk System for Impact® consulting services are based on six principals that serve as the foundation for evaluating and managing risk when an organization is taking a new direction in a dynamic environment. They provide straightforward and intuitive tools and support for your organizaton to help you to apply each principle and avoid common mistakes.
Best implemented as a cross-functional leadership team or board, you are able to objectively examine the key components of the changes you are making, evaluate where you may not be aligned or are missing key information, and then identify the biggest risks to your strategy and put in place a practical way to manage those risks responsibly and holistically over time.
Many leaders make the mistake of putting all their focus on the solution, their big idea: their WHAT. If you are not crystal clear about the problem you are solving, your WHY, you risk your team and partners getting confused, working based on different priorities, and unclear how to make decisions when they run into bumps down the road.
Don't stumble answering the one question people will always ask you when you launch your new strategy. Whether they are clients, funders, supporters, partners, or employees, people need to know what YOU bring uniquely. If they are unclear about WHY YOU, they will take longer to make decisions, and you can spend a lot of energy without moving forward.
Driving impact in the world is a team sport. Don't underestimate what it will take for people to be able to take action. Without clarity about who needs to take what action, and what they need to believe or understand to be able to act, your initiative will risk getting stalled. Build a plan to anticipate a diversity of people and diversity of thinking. Proactively align to be able to innovate as a team.
In a fast-changing environment, you need to adapt and pivot to accomplish your mission. Your solution will need to evolve. But as you do, you risk making changes that can disrupt other aspects of your business model. You will also need to support people in their own decision-making journey. Thinking through the implications upfront can avoid wasted cost, missed targets and frustration.
You may have developed the perfect strategy. But once you execute, you will likely run into bumps down the road. Shifts in your environment might represent windows of opportunity you don't want to miss. A plan to regularly think through your assumptions and risks, and how you will handle them, can keep you and your team alert, focused and able to act quickly and adapt when the time comes, instead of feeling worried or blindsided.
Identifying risk and assumptions is just the first step. But stewarding risk requires being intentional. It requires an open culture and rhythm to communicate about risk and how you to address it. It also requires your leadership. Optimizing to lead and manage risk enables you to sustain the impact you are striving to achieve.
We offer a variety of virtual and in-person consulting services
A unique approach for leaders of mid-market businesses, nonprofits and associations to help you navigate today's risks, align supporters, attract funding, and get faster results in times of change!
How you deal with risk will directly affect the outcome of your strategy and the resilience of your organization. Take this self-assessment to understand where you stand!
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